About us

Passionate about what we do

ConstruGomes Engenharia, a company with twenty years of experience, specializes in the construction of major infrastructure projects, particularly large bridges commonly referred to as 'works of art'. In addition to this business area, the company is also involved in the construction of tunnels, dams, and buildings.

In the civil construction and public works market, the company stands out from the rest for the scope of its activity, to the extent that it not only executes the work but also intervenes in its conception, contributing with technical solutions that always aim projects' optimization.

Supported by its R&D department, ConstruGomes continuously invests in the search for new and better technological and productive operation solutions.

From the wide range of services ConstruGomes offers its clients, the following technical solutions are worth mentioning: Form Travellers, Movable Scaffolding System, Wing Travellers, Climbing and Self-climbing Formwork, Heavy Propping and Tunnel formwork.

Mission, Vision, Values

What sets us apart!

certificates and awards


ConstruGomes' strategic goal is to be recognized as a reference company in the construction of bridges. However, to achieve this benchmark, the company must necessarily adopt the best practices. To this end, a Management Manual was prepared, with multidisciplinary characteristics, which integrates the Quality Management System, Environment, Safety and Health at Work and People Management. All these systems were certified by APCER and position the Company at a level of excellence, which sets it apart from other competitors. The work that the Company and its employees carry out on a day-to-day basis is not primarily aimed at obtaining any prize, but at satisfying the Company's goals. However, when the result of work and the achievement of the Company's strategic goals, it is awarded any recognition made by an external entity, quite naturally this is a reason for satisfaction both for the Company and for its employees.
At ConstruGomes we do not only aim at results, we are concerned with outlining the path that has to be taken until the goal we set ourselves is achieved. We are all an integral part of this journey.
President ConstruGomes