Reporting Channel


ConstruGomes, Engenharia S.A. has internal reporting channels for acts of corruption and related infractions, in accordance with the applicable legislation, which allow complaints to be lodged and followed up securely, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity or anonymity of the complainant.

In the treatment of complaints, independence, impartiality, confidentiality, data protection, secrecy and the absence of conflicts of interest are guaranteed.

The identity of the complainant, as well as any information which might allow their identity to be deduced, is confidential and access is restricted to those responsible for receiving or following up complaints.

The identity of the complainant shall only be disclosed as a result of a legal obligation or a court order.

If any circumstance leads us to believe that there are violations of the Law or of the Code of Conduct, this concern must be communicated through the mechanisms established for this purpose, namely through the company’s internal reporting channels.

Complaint Form