Business Ethics


Management Policy

ConstruGomes' Management Policy is based on the fundamental principle of continuous improvement as an integral part of the company's strategic goals. Our vision, mission, values, commitments, and goals are the integral elements of our management policy.

Principles of Sustainability

For ConstruGomes, development is achieved when its business generate value for the stakeholders, thereby supporting social empowerment, maintaining, and improving the health and safety conditions of its employees and neighbouring communities, environmental responsibility, and socio-economic development of the regions where it operates, through conscious management and responsible practices. As a principle, ConstruGomes prioritizes the management of risks and impacts, ensures the safety of the employees and leaving a legacy through its projects, which allows it to support social, economic, and environmental development in the regions where the company operates.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

ConstruGomes, Engenharia S.A. has as one of its principles the compliance with legal requirements, thus ensuring that its business is conducted with the highest ethical standards and in full compliance with them.

This Code of Conduct aims to comply, among others, with the provisions of Law 109-E/2021, of December 9, establishing the principles, values and rules of action of all managers and employees of ConstruGomes, Engenharia S.A. in matters of professional ethics, with special consideration for the criminal norms referring to corruption and related offences and the risks of the company’s exposure to these crimes.

Reporting Channel

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy applies to data collected and processed by ConstruGomes, Engenharia S.A., in the contractual relationship with its employees, job candidates, suppliers and clients.

Plan for Risk Prevention of Corruption and Related Infractions

The present plan for the prevention of risks of corruption and related infractions (PPR) aims to comply with Decree-Law 109-E/2021 of 9 December, which establishes the general regime for the prevention of corruption.

The PPR covers the entire organisation and activity of ConstruGomes, Engenharia S.A. including administrative, operational and support areas. The People Management Department is appointed as the general responsible for the execution, control and review of the PPR.