
ConstruGomes building bridges in Portugal with the world

23 February, 2018
The PME Excelência 2017 ceremony was held on February 20th, in Gondomar, the most important event of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at national level that aims to signal the merit and confer renown to the distinguished companies. This ceremony was attended by the Minister of Economy and Secretary of State.

ConstruGomes not only obtained the PME Excelência status but was also one of two companies from the construction area that obtained the Prémio de Mérito Exportação 2017. This award distinguishes “The best of the best” in the Exportation Category.

The PME Excelência status is a hallmark of reputation associated with stability and economic-financial performance that allows distinguished companies to relate to their surroundings - suppliers, clients, financial system and national and regional authorities - on a basis of confidence that facilitates the development of their business. At the international level, this recognition is a factor of differentiation and a guarantee of the solidity and suitability of the companies.

An important milestone with our employees, clients, partners and suppliers as protagonists. To all of them a big thank you!