
The continuous investment in the Belgian market …

5 March, 2021
The Driefonteinen project in Belgium consists of building a bridge over the Charleroi Canal and access to St. Peter's Lion and Drogenbos.

In addition to the bridge and respective accesses, this project includes a bicycle path that will allow a safer passage between St. Peter's Lion and Drogenbos.

This new bridge aims to benefit access to the business district closest to the Brussels beltway, between Bergensesteenweg (N6) and the Charleroi canal, and consequently reduce local traffic and attract new companies looking for a central location with good access.

In this project, ConstruGomes is responsible for the execution of the retaining walls and the foundations, the architectural pillars and the bridge deck including all accesses, as well as the cycle path ramp that will be incorporated into the bridge structure.