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Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico Ribeiradio-Ermida

2014, Sever do Vouga


Aproveitamento Hidrolétrico Ribeiradio-Ermida is composed of two dams with an average annual production of 139 Gwh, which is enonugh to fulfil the needs of 28,00 to 30,000 people. Construction began in 2010 involving more than 600 workers and more than a hundred companies working side by side. With this project, the counties of Aveiro and Viseu now contain a reservoir of more than 23km in length.

The project goal was to contain the Vouga River to create a lake, this would then in turn be used to increase the production of energy from natural renewable sources. This new lake or reservoir provides the public with a reliable source of water supply and can also be used to assist with firefighting when required. The risk of flooding was also reduced. Another benefit of the lake is the value it generates through tourism for the surrounding areas aiding social and economic development.

Technical Solution

Wall executed with climbing brackets
Special structures such as bottom discharge connection, water intakes and suction connections, were executed with traditional formwork, being these developed by the Civil Engineering at ConstruGomes

Technical Features

Max. height | 38.00 m
Crest length | 175.10 m
Blocks | 11