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Viaducto sobre el río Barbantiño

2009, Carballiño


The Autonomous Region of Galicia is formed by seven great cities: A Coruña, Pontevedra, Vigo, Ferrol, Lugo, Santiago de Compostela and Ourense. Throughout the region the landscape is made by mountains and rivers. Connecting these cities requires a high level of technical complexity.

This project was an integral part of the Territorial Rebalancing Plan of Galicia with the connection between Ourense and Santiago seen as cricual in improving the economy in the region.

Technical Solution

Pylons built resorting to a climbing formwork system
First segment executed by using great capacity G brackets
Deck built using 3 pairs of form travellers, from ConstruGomes, with a capacity of 450 tons

Technical Features

Full length | 780.00 m
Max. span between piers | 128.80 m
Piers max. height | 88.55 m
Width | 25.00 m
Segment | 5.00 m