Metro de Salvador | Tramo 3 Linha 1 comprises the stretch of the metropolitan network defined between Pirajá Station and Águas Claras Station, passing through Campinas Station, also in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia. The method chosen - the cantilever method - was used in the city of Salvador for the first time, and perfectly justified by the
place of implantation. As the BR-324 is a very busy highway, the cantilever method allowed the execution of the works without any interruption of traffic or negative impact. The execution of two viaducts over the BR-324 highway under ConstruGomes' responsibility consist of: 4 hammerheads, 80 standard segments, 4 lateral closing segments and 2 central closing segments. Complementing the cantilever method for the standard segments, traditional formwork and propping/shoring system are also being used (hammerheads and lateral closing segments).
Two pairs of FT5 Form Travellers
Two pairs of CVS200 Form Travellers
Traditional Formwork and Propping/Shoring System for hammerheads and lateral closing segments
Viaduct BS01
Full length | 269.70 m
Main bridge max. span | 129.30 m
Approaches max. span | 70.20 m
Piers max. height | 7.60 m
Width | 11.00 m
Segment | 5.35 m
Viaduct BS02
Full length | 203.25 m
Main bridge max. span | 95.25 m
Approaches max. span | 54.00 m
Piers max. height | 5.60 m
Width | 11.00 m
Segment | 5.25 m